Friday, February 22, 2008

Rough Week

I find myself more irritable now, I know some of you who know me may laugh and say now? But yes, I'm edgier, I don't find the same humor I use to in certain situations anymore, life seems more serious now then it has to me the past few years, especially since I got involved in EMS. The week following this call has been rough, looking forward to getting back to work yet at the same time fearing it. Why am I fearing work? I ask myself this over and over again, its the same thing I've been doing for 2 years now for this company, but all of a sudden its different, I feel like the stress level is through the rough now, compile that with the added stress I already have in my life and I feel like I'm ready to implode. Monday I found myself facing some hefty news in my personal health, stuff I already knew, my back is all torqued up and needs a lot of chiropractic work, work that will go over what will my insurance will pay, but is vitally important if I want to stay in the career field, I need to have my wisdom teeth out, and soon as I run the risk of infection in one them giving me problems. To my amazement Dental Insurance covers all of 50% of the cost and only up to 1,000 for the year, this won't even come close to covering some of the work I need, my head spins as I go over the numbers, wondering how I will afford all of this medical work I need and my day to day bills and debts, the stress and tension mounts.

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